Portfolio Details
The Avery Weigh-Tronix ZM300 Series Indicators are everyday indicators for common industrial weighing applications. The high performance, multi-function indicators will analyse, store, display and transmit data, providing you with greater visibility of weighing performance. Highly adaptable and available with a choice of display technologies and enclosures, the ZM301 and ZM303 give you the flexibility required to suit different applications and meet your business needs.
The ZM301 is a simple-to-operate basic weight-reading indicator. It captures values at an astounding rate of 80 times per second for fast weighments. The ZM301 features six operational keys, including Zero, Print, Units, Tare, Select and F1
Built-in operational routines, or applications, can be configured at the time of installation, tailored to your specific solution.
The addition of the numeric keypad allows ZM303 users to store multiple Tares and numeric IDs in the internal memory for easy retrieval and for simple entry of numeric values when the counting application is active. Keys for countig, checkweighing and process control operation are also standard on the ZM303.
The ZM303 offers display and enclosure options for indoor and outdoor applications.