Announcing Business Class Products! All in stock and more…
CL Series Portable compact sale The Ohaus CL compact scale is a lightweight, portable scale perfectly suited for industrial, jewellery and home use applications that includes quality control, formulation, soil sampling, jewellery, postal weighing and dietary weighing. Ohaus SKX Scout scale The Ohaus SKX with large backlit LCD display is build to endure demanding applications […]
Weighing products for all facets of warehouse operations
How weighing in warehouses and logistic environments can save you money. Weighbridges Inbound and outbound freight and cargo should be managed by recording the weight accurately in order to manage billing and inventory. By using Weighbridges, companies can avoid costly fines and damages on trucks. Forklift scales A forklift scale allows drivers to lift and […]
Avery ZM510 range
Brand New Test Truck
Welcome 2018 Scales are only as accurate as the test weight that it has been calibrated with, there for it can cost the end user a lot more by weighing inaccurate than to regularly calibrate their scales. Why choose Weighcomm? We have our own verified and traceable test weights which are calibrated in accordance to the national standards […]